Tuesday, April 12, 2011

GABR 2011=Successe

It was a great but very busy weekend!!! The Great American Bike Race was held on Saturday April 9th at Century High School in Bismarck North Dakota. Before the graet day I had a little bit of a scare, after we went to set up on friday my eye swelled shut and I could not open it for the rest of the night. At nine O'clock on Friday night my mom finally took me to the walk-in clinic to see if it was infected, but the Dr couldn't find anything, He told me to keep an eye-patch on it to sheild it from the light. Needles to say I had to wear an eye-patch to the race.

This is the day I look forward to every year, not only because it is a fun and it brings the whole family together but because it helps families with kids with Cerebral Palsy raise money for kids to have the things that insureance does not pay for, that kids need or want but couldn't have otherwise. I my self have benefited from these funds but I have never wanted to do it for my self, I do it for my friends and they do ut for their friends and so on. The quote that the race is known for is...DO IT FOR THE KIDS!!! This is the quote I live by because I know how important it is to beable to be as independent as possible which may not be possable without GABR. THANK YOU!!

Here are just some pictures from the big day.