Saturday, March 26, 2011

Never Letting a Disability Define Who You Are

My name is Jacey Enget I’m 20 years old and was born with Spastic Cerebral Palsy.  You might think that having Cerebral Palsy and being in a wheelchair cause me to think that I can’t do things that an able bodied person can do.  I am here to tell you that that is not the case; I have been by many that I probably do more than most people.  When I was growing up my parents taught me to never let my disability stop me, let me tell you I have tae advice in stride.
            Believe me when I say that with every disability comes a few hurdles to jump over but that is one thing that after twenty almost twenty-one years you just learn to deal with.  I am a down hill skier, a water skier a hunter and an independent horseback rider just to name a few things.  All of these things are done with adaptive equipment but that doesn’t matter to me or does it matter other individuals with disabilities what matters is that we can do them.
            When I was younger all I wanted to do was play games and play with my friends, I didn’t like going to therapies doing my exercises, or having surgeries (sill don’t like having surgeries) but as I got older I realized how important these were for maintaining my health and would make thing easier later in life. I would like to thank all the people that have helped make things easier for me GABR, Drs, my PT & OT, my parents and all three of my siblings and the rest of my family and friends for making it possible.

Bow season 08 first deer ever

First time using my adaptive Saddle. but not my first time ridng (been riding since I was 2yrs old)

Escape to the Lake 2010

First time dwnhill skiing 2006

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